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The Fear of White – Rjurik Davidson

Terra Incognita Speculative Fiction
Terra Incognita Speculative Fiction
The Fear of White - Rjurik Davidson

Appeared in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Issue 7

Rjurik Davidson has written short stories, essays, screenplays and reviews. He has been short-listed for the Ditmar Award for Best Short Story three times, the Aurealis Award once and won the Ditmar award for Best New Talent in 2005 and been published in Years Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Volumes One and Two, Australian Dark Fantasy and Horror 2006, Scifiction, Aurealis, Borderlands and elsewhere. His new book, Unwrapped Sky, is available now from TOR.

Also in this episode:

Keith Stevenson reviews The Song of Scarabaeus by Sara Creasy.

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