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We’ve been in the business of creating beautiful looking print books and ebooks since 2006 and – as well as creating our own coeur de lion publications – we’ve worked with scores of independent authors to use our expertise to create books for them.

We specialise in fiction and narrative non-fiction manuscripts.

See below for some of the titles we’ve worked on.

Our service is tailored to you the author whether you’re using local printers or global print and ebook distribution platforms like Ingram Spark and Amazon. We work with you to make sure your book is the best it can be and equal in quality to books produced by major publishers. For beginner indie authors, we’re also happy to share our industry knowledge with you and answer your questions.

If you’re not sure what information a book must contain, and those elements that are optional, have a look at our Anatomy of a Book example. This will help you identify what you need to include.

All prices are in Australian Dollars. Our prices are:

ebook onlyLess than 80K words$299
80K to 150K words$349
print book onlyLess than 80K words$349
80K to 150K words$399
ebook and print book packageLess than 80K words$599
80K to 150K words$699
ebook and/or print book with multiple
internal illustrations, footnotes and/ or
price on application

The manuscript you provide and any other information you send us remains your property. You also own the formatted files we provide. For more information about our service read the ‘small print‘. 

Send us your initial query via the contact form below.

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